REMTECHSTROY GROUP offer wholesale and retail REM™ hydraulic hoses /EC DE production/ for Plasser, Matisa, Robel and etc. railway machines:
REM™ hydraulic hoses REUSABLE - full analog and with 30-40% per cent lower prices Plasser.
REM plant DE in the production of REM™ hydraulic hoses
REM™ hydraulic hoses REUSABLE - All sizes Inch thread
REM™ hydraulic hoses REUSABLE - All dimensions metric thread
Operating temperature range: from -40 to 200 C continuous
High pressure hose: from 20 to 600 bar
The REM™ hydraulic hoses is completely interchangeable with a Plasser hydraulic hoses and it has fully analogical characteristics, as well as an ISO certificate for manufacture, and is tested by a German accredited laboratory for testing and compliance of the product with meeting the EU norms.